I have spent 15 years working with people who have experienced trauma, poverty and other forms of structural inequality in society.
I love working with organisations, institutions and people that want to use their learning effectively to challenge injustice and inspire change. Communities are more powerful than hierarchies.
I have a range of governance experience, being a Trustee at St Cuthbert’s Centre, lead for communications strategy development at Xenia, and I’ve held a number of leadership roles in non-profit organisations, including:
- managing volunteers and homelessness services
- director of business development
- strategic communications lead
- research and evaluation lead.
I have additionally served as a Trustee of two charities for over 7 years and in the past, I held a Public Duty through the Home Office as a member of the Independent Monitoring Board of an immigration removal centre, monitoring standards to ensure that detainees are treated fairly and humanely.
At the same time I have pursued my academic career, gaining a Masters in Public Administration from the University of York with distinction, and I am now working on a doctorate in social policy, examining the interactions between housing and immigration policy. I’m committed to understanding the real-life impacts of policy, through research and working with organisations to learn how policy affects them.
Areas of interest and experience
- Homelessness and rough sleeping
- Multiple exclusion and multiple disadvantage
- Physical and learning disabilities
- Co-production
- System change
- Immigration, refugee and migrant rights
- Mental health
- Human rights
Qualifications and training
- Doctor of Social and Public Policy (current); Cardiff University
- Public Engagement Academy 2021; Cambridge University, the Berlin School of Public Engagement and Wellcome Connecting Science.
- Outstanding Leadership; Cass Business School, Centre for Charity Effectiveness
- Master of Public Administration (distinction); University of York
- Meeting the mental health needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence (level 3); OCN
- Trauma Informed Care for Managers; AVA
- Prince2 Project Management
Professional memberships
- Social Research Association
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- Member of Centre for Homelessness Impact’s Research Network
- Housing Studies Association
- Homeless Link
- HEAR (Human Equalities and Rights) Network